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>>556090Maybe my bluetooth earbuds were just really good. I mean I did buy it because that's exactly what all the reviews said about them but I guess I underestimated just how high their quality to price ratio was. I can hear the difference between regular cheap earbuds and those easily.
>>556098The plan was to return the one I didn't like back to Amazon. But at this rate I might return both.
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>>556100For making it*
Also I can't find any source that he died actually, when you look it up you get like 20 AI automatically generated articles on sites that publish AI-generated articles with the same text but that's it.
They probably just beat him up. Mad Thad is out of prison now he posts on 4chan again and his Youtube channel he did pretty well in prison.
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>>556107Yeah he also released a video afterwards saying thanks to some guy who "reacted" on tiktok defending them for not beating him up (saying they did it off-camera).
Obviously very sensitive and defensive over comments he got like that. I wouldn't put it past him to just be lying completely to seem hard.
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>>556189i want to get them because kanon wears them
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sigh they have them on sale for 300 but the white ones are 400 and kanon wore the white ones.
>>556267good idea i should get a kanon nesoberi too and put them on her thatd be cute.
january is going to be a lean month it seems…
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one day even the gods of the 'sphere will be nothing more than dust in the wind
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>>582945huh i even use the same cute kanon picture wonder what the odds are of that
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why are you being so mean I'm gonna cry.