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Merry kinectimas
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love bounding up the stairs in the morning to unwrap my presents while mom sits smugly in her dressing gown holding a mug of hot chocolate
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years ago when i was a kid i think 11 or 12 i for some reason became convinced i was gonna get a remote control tank that shot bb pellets for christmas
i think my father mentioned seeing one or something
anyway during the night as i awoke from the excitement i crept into the living room and spied in the moonlight a pile of presents including a fairly large box
that must be it
turns out it was a fucking boxed desk chair to go with my flat pack desk my parents also got me
it was seriously cringe and my day was immeasurably ruined
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greet mom with a nice hot cup of coffee
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its a nico christmas miracle
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its a nico christmas miracle
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>>555995threw a temper tantrum to get her to buy both
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nicomaki like playing gamecubes on dolphin and dont understand the point of buying retro hardware