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>>555921If I have to suffer then I'm going to make sure I spread that suffering to as many norms as possible during my time on this planet.
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You ever notice how idolcels call everyone else on the board "badposters", but all they do is post anime screencaps like this is some kind of /a/ spinoff, or meta whining?
Meanwhile, the celbros are just taking it easy and having fun sharing feels, advice and blackpills with eachother.
Really makes you think who are the real "badposters".
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Ota-ch is a protected cel reserve
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Never have dreams about girls because my brain considers a female being nice to me to be far more outlandish than being able to fly or meet aliens.
>>556143It's a
meme, you dip.
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Its not too late you can still be my friend if you just say its a nice idea
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knew it was a good idea to refrain from calling you my friend. my instincts never let me down
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Uh thought everyone agreed to use miku since it was his favorite theme
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