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Woah Yuna you can't be showing off them pits like that this game is rated T for teen
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Do you think she has enough belts?
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Brudda… da Al Bhed or níggers as I like to call them are no good ya ya betta not Al Bred dat one ya hear
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My Lulu ended up being the strongest character without really trying.
I bought the mog with magic booster on it for 100k gil (basically all of my gil) and have another +18% magic on it and now with doublecast she hits for like 15k per turn
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Finished it today finally.
I couldn't beat the final boss so I went and got Lulu's celestial weapon and Ultima. Doublecast Ultima kind of trivialized the fight.
Yes I did the "dodge 200 lightning bolts in a row" thing legitimately and my hands were sweating by the end of it.
>>558597Yeah I saw the original place that Tidus crying image is from and he was like
I hate you dad and I was like lol.
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Where are these millions of views coming from? Back in the day getting 90k views on your video was a big deal. Now it means you're a nobody. This is disgusting.
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>Dad walks in
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>>558786Already said, but more people on the internet.
Smartphones were a mistake, even 4chan is filled with phoneposters.
There's tons of people have never used a desktop or laptop, they don't know anything but smartphone jail.