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>>555281Her nico tummy weirdo
>>555283Thats why you have to clean a little bit at a time so it isn't much work!
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>>555286You dont understand because you can get a makihug whenever you want
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wish i had the ikea shark plushy to hug
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my mom helped me wrap my presents but my friend found out
>>555422I'm glad
>>555415I will continue to post
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Mind if we… post here?
>>555428CAN'T STOP
>>555515I actually laughed a little at this
Those high quality posts alright who could forget classics such as:
Reposting screencaps from a show that aired almost a decade prior
Trying to rope people into taking part in his femdom ERP while her jerks off
More whining
Posting selfies
Pointlessly talking about idolm@ster and which idols he wants to step on his testicles
His barely repressed matrisexuality
Yet more whining
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What's up brothers. This will be my final post in this forum. In the following paragraph I will tell you how I ascended, It may not work for everyone but even if it help one of my brothers and brethren, this post would have been worth it. And before you say I was a fakecel from the beginning, no I wasn't. I was a KHHV for 22 years, and not only that, I am a 4/10 at best. Add before you even start typing I was merely redpilled, I never believed in the redpill, solely in the black pill ever since noyou I've been active in the spinoffs. I've talked to whatmin and a couple of other members on what back in the day too. So I've been an lncel for 22 years, and it was agonizing. I thought every girl was judging me and laughing at me, behind my back. I also got really angry in class if a girl started laughing, because I would think that she was laughing at me, so for 22 years I just didn't interect with them to the point where I stopped talking to my mom and sister al together, even though we live in the same house. So, I'm fat, 5'7, no apartment, 4-5/10 (told to me by girls), I'm extremely high inabition. You wanna know how I got my first kiss, handjob, and girlfriend all just in 3 days? I just talked to them… Was I nervous as shit yes, was I stressed out and thinking she may be a catfish or a shemale yes, but all those fears are just that, fears. Statistically you are very likely to get a gf atleast once in your life compared to dying without ever having one.
>>555524So my advice is just to play the number games, that's what I did and It worked for me. I downloaded 5 dating apps and started swiping on every girl I would date. I always pretended like I cared about what they where actually saying (and they love when they think that you care). Always ask them about themselves. (Side note: I know it's cliche but this is important, treat them like people, for example, you would like to be complimented so compliment her). But most importantly never be shy, tell tem what you're feeling, and also compliment her. That's it. That's all I did and I got some. I was at shock at first. I just couldn't believe it was that easy, but it is! So if you want a girlfriend just play the numbers games. Don't get angry, don't give up, and don't forget that at rhe end of the day they are all just whores. So it is okay to play with their emotions. We will all make it bros, at first I didn't believe I could but I got a handjob, and she said that we where going to fuck on the second date, so the proof is in the pudding…
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christmas mircale moved over to new years miracle
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just threw together a couple gourmet 'zas from scratch
fresh herbs and red wine reduction in the sauce
60% hydrated dough, spun that shit round on my finger
classic toppings
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>>638195rape teen maki girl :)
pregnant maki :)
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listening to the Marimite Christmas album
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why are you so gloomy just enjoy the holiday spirit
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happy birthday Amana and Tenka!