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No. 554993

Are women innately bi-sexual? That is to say, can there be such a thing as a ``completely heterosexual woman''?

Here are a few points to chew on:

In nature, everything has either negative or positive energy. Naturally, these opposites attract each other—take magnets, for instance. From this perspective, men are built to be ATTRACTED, whereas women are built to be ATTRACTIVE. So, wouldn't be only be natural that, because women have this powerful attractive energy, that women would also be attracted to other women?

In modern society, it is generally accepted that young girls hold hands, hug, even shower and bathe together. But the situation with young boys is opposite to that. Why is that?

This continues into adulthood: it is acceptable for women to kiss each other, but once again, societal rules for men generally forbid this.

Statistically, the number of women who are homosexual, or at least bisexual, completely BLOW the numbers for men out of the water.


I don't know, but I think it should be more socially acceptable for otaboys to hug and kiss each other.


File: 1639370433755.jpg (Spoiler Image, 65.71 KB, 600x800, 010.jpg)

Just to further illustrate, here is a photograph of a scene involving high school girls. (There is nothing unpleasant to the eye in this image, I have only spoilered it out of respect for those who do not prefer to view depictions of 3D women).

Nothing in the image looks out of place. Yet, I can hardly imagine the same scene taking place with high school boys in their place.


déjà vu


>le pedophile sage


The reality is if I lie around a bunch of guys like that who aren't disgusting I'm probably going to get a boner. I'm not gay or anything but that much soft physical contact is going to be arousing, I don't know if you grow out of it with extended periods of it but I know I'm going to be boned up.


You already said it, but it's just a social construct. I was sent to residential in high school. I was there for being a fuckup but most were there for drugs, which meant they were partiers and other flavors of neurotype. At the end of each night we had an assembly and everyone would lie on the floor. We would all rest our heads on each other's stomachs while we were hearing whatever the tard wranglers had to tell us that day, it was very similar to your picture. It was only allowed within genders though, meaning girls on girls and boys on boys, and the only people that didn't do it were the really new kids. Once they saw everyone else do it for a day or two they'd join right in. There might be deep-rooted reasons for the difference in social expectations, but I don't think it's some sort of inherent tendency.

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