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>>554734What's going on?
The inflation sucks but sometimes mom is too lazy to cook and gives me money to go eat with instead.
>>554739This might be the most sensationalistic ``news'' I've read all year. They start by trying to give you the impression the cops have missiles or some stupid shit and then hide at the very end that they're just talking about a normal fucking rifle, probably semi-automatic at best. Literally anybody with a helicopter and a rifle now has big scary air-to-air capabilities, AND MAYBE THEY AHVE MISSILES THEY'RE GONNA FIRE AT PEOPLE TOO? FIND OUT AT 11. Thanks `` Via Gizmodo and 60 Minutes".
I hate you and I hate the news.
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why cant i just look up waitresses on kiwifarms and weird jp sites to see if they have boyfriends when it works just fine with tubers
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ota-ch is an anagram of tacoh
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One time a waitress asked for my phone number but she was chink and had to use the translator which made everything awkward and slow she apologized for not being able to help herself in staring at me eat because I am beautiful
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always liked cheese crackers so i went to tb to try the big one theyre selling them plain for a dollar its basically what youd expect the texture is a bit different from a normal cheezit more flaky maybe also saltier
moetan for scale
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Don't bully my friend and his Moetan keychain you fucking normalfag.
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>>623562I am 40% Irish 30% Italian according to my brother's DNA test.
Hardly guido, but if I got really tanned yeah I would look like one of those buff manlet guidos.