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>>554702The norms drew first blood
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>>554713Fell for this once and ended up weighing 245lbs
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actually going to college
>>554777went mech eng, my life ended after i graduated and didn't get a job, been 4 years now and i forgot everything i learned
had a dream last night I was taking a test and I couldn't even figure out how to partition a circle to have two sections of 60 degrees i even had a protractor sigh
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>>554820>topo classes which can aid in my passion for 3d modelinglol
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>>554831please dont bully me otasmarty
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Anime cels be like
No.554862 Girls REALLY Want You To Talk To Them
holy flip this must have been made a literal volcel with 18.5 inch biceps that is incapable of viewing women as human
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Nice guys always finish last why did I have to be born a nice guy
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>>554888I like the look on her face as he speaks over her. Obviously he needs to learn to be more polite and not interrupt people.
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not my le proudest fap