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Wow except for the semen part girls smell great.
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Roger that!
*falls asleep*
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I went to a Chinese restaurant for a takeout it was almost empty apart from 2 Chinese guys eating there who looked stunned when I came through the door. I found out soon after why they were surprised to see me. The cashier lady gives me this menu which is in Chinese which must have been some sort of joke on her part. Little did she know she was standing in the presence of a N2ish level otaku, I did not disclose my power level however. I was able to recognise a few 漢字 (kanji (Chinese characters)) mostly the ones describing kinds meat (肉) and vegetables (菜) and after a few minutes of standing in the corner staring at the menu like a sperg I finally decided to order. Then I guess the restaurant's owner came in and told me I had to wait outside for my order because I'm not a drone who fell for the vaccine trap but I think the real reason is they just didn't want me in there because I'm white and I was towering over them. Actually this wasn't a regular Chinese restaurant because in my experience they mostly just reheat the food they cooked earlier but this time I saw a cook sauteing something in the kitchen.
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Sorry but if you're unvaccinated you need to wear a mask in my thread. please be respectful of private individuals rights
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Beef in Hot & Spicy sauce with vegetables and rice. Almost 16 european dollars but it's in the middle of a big city so I guess that's fair. And it wasn't the cheapest item on the menu. The Chinese restaurant was a fallback option because initially I wanted a katsudon but the Japanese place seemed to be closed and it was plastered with these 2G signs so I decided not to bother. Can't wait until these vaxxxnorms begin developing serious cardiovascular problems and start dropping down likes flies. Then again my parents are fully vaccinated so I don't know what to think.
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Otamin? I think you and I need to have a talk about how you run this place.
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otamin has been dead for quite some time now. the board is being run by a few scripts he left behind. we are on our own, and there are no brakes on this train.
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I've been bullied!! Do something, Otaemon!!!
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girls are wearing winter clothes
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