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>>554351Keep in mind that the new average is 6'4", 8" and 20"
>>554356Don't forget frame
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Otamin about to run over some of his posters.
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now I become death – destroyer of worlds – in tomorrow ota
-cameron mitchell
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>>554418This little cel never stood a chance.
Still his eternal soul is at risk for this act. Everyone dies but not everyone meets the second death.
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>>554430I'm also reporting you to the FBI for filing bullshit reports that flood their system.
Nevermind keep doing it, I hate glowbuddies.
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>>554433Ehh hemm… I said I HATE GLOWNíGGERS
>>554418What a handsome young man! He definitely had a bright future ahead of him.
What a shame..
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Norm thought I was possibly gay because I don't interact with the foids. I almost told him to look up "lncel" on the internet so he can better understand my sexual orientation.
>>554459No you don't
Volcels are either coping lncels or mentally ill types that have involuntarily broken brains preventing them from performing their biological imperative.
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https://www.rarebreedtriggers.comThis is what I want for Christmas from you Otamin. I promise I'll put it to good use.
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>>554469It's just one guy larping.
>>554470>>554474Okay, you fucking teenaged memespouting retards. Listen up. Do you wanna know what LARP means? Let me tell you. It's an acronym. It stands for
L - Live
A - Action
R - Role
P - Playing
See that little LA there? You know, the thing separating it from just RP? (I'm sure you're familiar with the latter—it's only a letter away from all the gay ERP you fags do.) That's right, it stands for LIVE ACTION.
Somebody posting online doesn't constitute a ``LARP''.
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I come from a long line of cel genetic dead ends.
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>>554525>>554522Why should being blind stop you from owning a gun?
Just like >>554527's point, if someone is trying to break down my door to kill me or ruin my life, even if I was blind I could still aim the gun at my door and the aggressors when they enter.
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God created men equal. Colt made them equal.
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>>554529>God created men equal. Literally no where in the bible does it say this.
You won't find such an obvious lie against reality.
God is tired of humans. We are less to him than bacteria is to us. Furthermore we've rejected God and live in a secular world. Money calls the shots now, not God.
You know what you should thank God for? The fact he hasn't just killed you.
>>554544Nah the bible seems pretty cool with it.
Spoiler: The rich men of long ago could simply have whatever they wanted stuck into the writings back then and they were sure to advise against subjects rising against any kings and such.
>>554528okay slow brain let me break it down for you
there has been many instances of unwarranted murders for example take the popular case of a japanese student knocking on some hogs door and ends up getting shot because the hog thought he was dealing with a burglar now take that situation and multiply the complexity by 3 since the dude is blind if you really think a blind person can safely operate a firearm in a residential area then you are a good candidate for why not everyone should be allowed to take part in our democratic process
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>>554587How the fuck does 1 anecdote of a wrongful shooting mean that blind people couldn't recognize a real threat in their own home and accurately shoot it?
Do you think being blind means you're fucking retarded and have no spacial awareness?
Like we were saying, there's no mistaking that glowníggers are trying to bust down your door and the blind man has every right to fight back.
"1 anecdote" average american gun owner is already retarded being blind and retarded doesnt make the area the person is living in any safer
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>>554595I don't care how many people die of accidental shootings or gun violence.
It will NEVER make me not support the right for citizens to own guns.
I personally wish guns never existed but since they do the people MUST be given a level playing field to fight law enforcement and government or else you will get the kind of shit happening in Australia and Austria where they have COVID concentration camps and are going to send all unvaxxed (that don't pay the fines) to prison.
They won't pull that shit in America because trust me, there is a lot of Americans who will shoot any cop that tries to drag them to a concentration camp or forcibly vaccinate them, and that's a good thing.
We may not be beating the government outright but it keeps them in check.
>>554603It's been pretty hard to acquire an automatic rifle in the United States for a while now.
Not that there is anything wrong with mass shootings.
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idiot vsimp