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It's 5:30 AM
I have to clean up the kitchen and get the sweet potatoes baked so they're ready for later and the turkey can be in there instead.
Just me and my mom this year. Ciao
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cant wait to make mashed potatoes love mashed potatoes
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It's almost done.
Sorry to the friends who are alone you can go to like Wawa and get a turkey bowl.
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>>553858wow thanks for your pity
>>553900He isn't here anymore retard.
>>553902I know! That's exactly what happened. Isn't it hilarious?!
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>>553913if he is your friend, why did he leave you
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Enjoy posting on mindota with all my friends and none of the badposters
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after i started taking my meds i have trouble connecting to mindota
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>>554000I dont think so. they treat you different if your a virgin sure but that makes sense. like when we decided between getting me a hpv or pneumonia shot i said i probably dont need the hpv shot and the nurse agreed that getting the pneumonia was probably more important, but said i should still get the hpv one later just in case.