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gnfos is now vtuber and business only, anime cramps Tea's style
/what/ shut down because no one can stop the Russian mafia cp spam that's plagued all imageboards in 2021 and whatmin doesn't want to go to prison
ota is the same old place unless you're literally talking about 2013-2015 where it was only cute posting but now we talk about real otaku shit like politics AND anime AND goodmorning I hate women AND video games like Shin Megami Tensei V
>>553623>>553625>>553621Thank you, this place doesn't seem too different, a bit more anti-women posts
Shame about /what/ though
>>553628nah I was just wondering if they had died or not
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henri and cuteposters gone like crust in the wind
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>>553631I'm still here, but I'm probably gonna leave soon too…
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Hima can't stop winning
>>553637the vtuber thread is dead, the last post made was 2 weeks ago
>>553636where will you go
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If we're talking meta again I guess I'll chip in too. I think this medium has come to an impasse. Everything worthy of discussion was talked through years ago. There is nothing even moderately worthwhile to be excited about anymore. It is time to get on with your finite life. This really is about getting old and realizing you are surrounded by younger people rather than your peers.
>>553636 No.553649
>>553646Pretty much everyone on the spinoffs are 25-35. Young people are preoccupied with tiktok and instagram.
It's also far late to scrounge together something resembling a normal life because all of the regulars are stunted from years upon years of isolation and abandonment. The normalfags that come around only do it to try and brag.
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>>553654my friends are here. not all of them but thats like real life where friends leave sometimes.
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>>553662Yeah I really wish you'd stop doing that bro.