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I can bootmaxx to 6'2" and honestly nothing really changes when I do. I think if your face bones are busted nothing short of 6'5" is going to get you out of the celzone.
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>>553557At the big gym there's a guy that looks similar to me. So similar in fact that multiple people have asked if we're brothers and even his own family was taken aback by how alike we seem. The primary difference being he's 6'5" and I'm not. I do have more muscle and maybe even a slightly better face since he has a cel chin and I hide my worst feature behind glasses as much as I can.
But he gets a massive amount of female interest. I kind of forgot just how potent the heightpill is, it is a PREDICTABLE multiplier. He doesn't even have to try and he still ends up with random girls all over the world lighting his phone up constantly. He's always bragging about going out on dates and stuff with them.
So yeah if my legs were 5 inches longer the timeline would have been very different the height meme is frightening.
>>553599There it is, the gaslighting and victim blaming.
You think years of bullying and rejection don't change a person? Oh yeah you never had to go through that because you happened to be born with genes that gave you a few extra inches of bone.
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I don't think talls and smalls will ever be able to come to a consensus
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me in the back
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