File: 1636934146893.jpg (111.07 KB, 1440x810, soyvision.jpg)

File: 1636935722297.png (324.69 KB, 480x716, 1537982785037.png)

Is that continuation of this image?
File: 1636946702264.png (196.59 KB, 1920x595, 2021-11-13-175543_1920x108….png)

>>553020Henri left because otamin thought it would be funny to wordfilter all of his posts to "Trans rights"
You could say that's a form of ban I guess though.
File: 1637351992255.jpg (274.72 KB, 850x1212, __izayoi_sakuya_and_hong_m….jpg)

henri is not feeling well source: im supporting her through her transition she will be back unless she really goes over the edge