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i fucking hate tripfags and namefags
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Everyone besides OP forgot Rinarin's birthday
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>>552957Let's help you out!
This one is Tennouji Rina and she is from Love Live! Nijigasaki! You can call her Rina for short!
She is the one who wields a sketchbook and draws cute faces on it!
Hopefully now you will remember her~! >ᴗ<!!
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>>553022Her girlfriend is Miyashita Ai who likes making funny puns and jogging
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maybe my question wasnt clear im asking about this girl now is she a virgin
>>553143thats unfortunate but not surprising she seems like a very attractive lady but i only support idols who are virgins
>>553156that was uncalled for
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im an artist
My brother in Christ, do not act like you yourself have "learned the original language." I've seen your twitter, you're out here saying "もっと画像お願いします" as if that sounds at all human to actual Japanese natives. You're nothing more than someone who's picked up a few common words from anime, thinking they're talented enough to draw out some kanji they can't read in Google Translate before tossing that into a Japanese-to-English dictionary, then cobbling it all together with some abrasively horny dialogue that doesn't reflect the artist's original intentions. Who cares if the original text is boring? People want a translation, and it's your job as the person telling Orca you're 頑張って翻訳してみてing to fucking translate it. Don't tell others to learn the language for you. And stop acting like you're better than Orca in any way and doing him some sort of favor by "improving" his dialogue. You can't draw, which is why you stick to reuploading his content for attention. You can't understand Japanese, which is why you stick to making shit up. And you can't take your hand off your dick, which is why you stick to writing the shittiest stories I've ever read on Eka's portal.
And don't even bother claiming that "typesetting was more than half the work." I've met awesome typesetters, and I know that what they do takes time and effort. What YOU did was get rid of text over a completely solid background, save for the edges of 2 bowls that you shittily redrew, then slap Anime Ace over it all. In what world did that take any effort?
Now get off your high horse, stop throwing around braindead strawman arguments, and learn to take criticism. Or learn Japanese.
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both the rina and untilted posters are gone…
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i was in japan sorry
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>>622026untitler always disappears when ssl expires
>>622033he already explained why
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happy birthday Rina-chan!
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rina is so precious
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