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>>552675Ummm, that won't stop the Chinese Street Fighter II nazis from reflashing your BIOS…
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mental illness
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>>552677What do you dream about? A blank room with an apple? Paint drying?
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>>552680anime and idols and horses and stuff
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>>552737No they're actually lacking females right now because they killed most of the newborn ones during the one-child policy era.
>>552737 how great it'd be if something like this happened today
Nice traditional chinkgfs for everyone on the spinoffs
Even the white foids would have to better themselves to compete
United States
0-14 years: male 31,374,555/female 30,034,371
15-24 years: male 21,931,368/female 21,006,463
25-54 years: male 64,893,670/female 64,564,565
0-14 years: male 129,296,339/female 111,782,427
15-24 years: male 86,129,841/female 73,876,148
25-54 years: male 333,789,731/female 318,711,557
Thank your lucky stars that you aren't Chinese. By the numbers, you were much more likely to have been.
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>>552750cause im proud to be an american
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>>552769You are more likely to be Chinese than [literally any other nationality].
There is more people in China than white people on the entire planet.
>>552771you are more likely to be an insect than any other member of the animal kingdom
you are even more likely to be a bacterium
the difference in being a chinese human vs any other type of human is inconsequential compared to the likelihood of being a bacterium
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>>552772I didn't say everyone was Han?
That statement is still true even when you include the 3 white guys in China and the wiggers too.
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My future is in China.