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>>552385Wish we had a certain tripfriend to keep us safe from this freak
>>552386fuck off
>>552385>>552390Done are the days of letting norms have their way over me and I damn sure won't let a foid get away with it I did nothing wrong.
>>552388What's he gonna do?
Whine incessantly then run away after the Otamin grabs him in the hallway and pulls his underwear over his head again?
>>552394I meant that more in the sense that I don't care what sex she is she doesn't have the right to do whatever she wants. As you can see from my resume I hate women so much it's unreal.
But I have never had a man try to skip ahead of me in line on purpose and when it has happened all the parties were polite and apologies were made so there's never been a reason to take it that far. Foids believe that they are above common courtesy.
>>552415You probably look like a fag. It's been reported that foids don't perceive feminine looking men as male. That's why so many Stacy groups have a fag among them. And it's always one of those flamboyant looking fags that anyone can tell is a fag.
Either that or you are just a cryptochad.
>>552491>I'm pretty sure you have made it clear that you believe women don't perceive you as male unless you're a 10/10 CEO so that doesn't explain anythingNo one itt said anything like that.
>I'm also very unfeminine and definitely not attractive.Oh so you're just lying.
>I don't walk around hating people so that might affect how they treat me.Most hopeless romantics don't do that either but they still suffer microaggressions like OP. You are blaming the victims, pretending that hopeless romantics "walk around hating people" even though foids are the ones giving them disgusted stares and laughing at them behind their backs just because of they're looks. Even if some hopeless romantics are hateful that's just a result of being bullied by foids all their life.
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>>552494>when your smv is sub 5 they normally can't perceive youI wasn't even talking about this thread but yes actually they did. The rest of your post just sounds paranoiac. Which is a legitimate problem, just like any other mental illness. I don't want to take that away from you. But the first step in overcoming your disorder may be self awareness.
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