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>>551487dont post in my social anxiety thread thanks
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>>551488Aren't you a little old to still be having social anxiety? You're an old man now you can't continue to live as a teen.
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You'll never be able to break free of your self-pitying addiction. People offer you help out of their own good but you keep rejecting it because you are too afraid you might get stabbed in the back again. It's their own fault and they can't undo those years of abuse. That ship has sailed.
This is the way you have been programmed since early childhood: to feel like a nuisance to others. A dedicated, walking trash can for others to vent into their ugliness so that they can lead normal lives. It simply wasn't meant to be.
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I had online friends when I was a teen. But not anymore… They're still mostly around and alive and well, we just don't ever talk anymore, and I'm too scared to break the silence.
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I'm permateened