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you know that image where they show caricatures on two sides one representing the british and one that represents japan and how the japanese are superior to the british because of their low rape rate well i cant help but think how ridiculous that is when i see articles like this see how many female twitch streamers who go to japan and get harassed live i mean the country even needs female only passenger carts for their public trains and yet we are deceived into thinking japan is a safe country for women
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>>551308Based japs dabbing on foids
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Really though, why should I care that Chad's holes have been accessed without permission? It's like there being a wave of yacht burglaries and expecting a homeless man living in a dumpster to get up in arms over it. I can't imagine doing Jack shit if I saw a woman getting molested or raped in front of me, I'd just leave the area so I don't get accused of anything.
Not my problem.
>>551396ah yes let me just create in my mind the total number of sexual assault cases based on a dream i had yesterday
dont understand why youre here and not working as a stats analyst for the fbi youre clearly brilliant
>>551467"sexual violence" includes more than just penetrative rape
2014 jap reported cases is 8,650 and the rate per 100,000 is 6.7
if we assume that an overwhelming majority of 95% of cases dont make it into the jap statistics for any reason 8,650 accounts for only 5% and the actual number of cases would be 173,000 and the rate would be about 135 based on the 2014 population
meanwhile in england and wales alone, the -reported- number of cases was 78,787 and the rate was 137.2. this becomes substantially higher after taking into account unreported cases even if you generously estimate that most of the cases are reported, if 50% are reported (unlikely) then the amount of cases becomes 157,574 and the rate would be 281 (based on 2011 combined census). this is before northern ireland and scotland are considered
so there is a massive gulf of difference between their rates even after including changes to the law since then amount of reported rape cases rose, but it's not anywhere near enough to break even with the uk
all this shows is that japs have an underreporting problem, it doesn't mean it happens as often or more often there
>>551490i feel like you are just arguing with yourself and coming up with points i never said such as england being safer for women than japan never said that or something about finding rates being rocket science i just dont see japan as an enlightened country when it comes to the safety of women like that meme portrayed
its true that the uk does have higher rape and sexual assault rates but that doesnt translate into japan being safe for women
its hard to find studies done in japan where you can estimate the number of sexual assaults there because they just dont care
all i could really find is that around 14% of women working full time were inappropriately touched versus around 12% in the uk who were sexaully assaulted and 20% who were inappropriately touched
in the end its clear most countries in the world are not safe for women and im glad a cel managed to see the issue women have to face in regards to sexual abuse and the dilemma they face in reporting the crime
>>551541you brought up the comparison between japs and brits but you decided to be a little snarky bitch and didn't even know what i was talking about, so i educated you
>its hard to find studies done in japan where you can estimate the number of sexual assaults thereyou still don't get it, you can take multiple harsh estimations for the amount of cases that don't make it into the u.n. statistics. let's try this again at 2% instead of 5%:
2014 jap rate: 8,650 cases, rate per 100,000: 6.7
we will be more strict this time, if you -estimate- that these cases only account for a measley 2% of the total number of cases as opposed to the 5% we used earlier, then 98% of the cases are not in the statistics for whatever reason, not being reported, police not taking the case etc. -
8,650 / 0.02 = 432,500
432,500 / 128,168,630 (2014 jap population) = 0.0033…
0.0033… * 100,000 = 337.4
you can repeat this for other percentages
>>551541now let's do england and wales in 2014
78,787 cases and 137.2 rate
i pulled 50% reporting rate out of my ass earlier to be overly generous to the uk. but it's much lower, if the -estimated- reported cases are only around 15% of the total
78,787 / 0.15 = 525246.6 < actual total cases
525246.6 / about 56,000,000 population = 0.0093…
0.0093… * 100,000 = 937.9 < rate per 100,000
i am using the exact same method the un is using to find the rates
8650 / 128,168,630 = 6.7…e-5
* 100,000 = 6.7
so that would be a rate of 337.4 (at 2%) for nips vs 937.9 (at 15%) or 468.9 (generously doubled at 30%) for bongs
the point is that even if we assume that 98% fucking percent of sex crime is not accounted for in japan, there is still a huge difference in their rates. this is what i meant by accounting for under reporting. and the numbers are only getting higher in the uk as time goes on and dropping in japan even after broadening the law
>uuuh rape still happens thono shit retard, but some countries are safer than others. everything seems to indicate that japan is safer than bongistan, so there's some truth to that meme
not cel either but keep seeing them everywhere
>>551546you absolute dummy did you even look at the source of japans 95% unreported rape cases its a questionnaire from like a group of 1000 japanese women what is the point of estimating if your upperbound is so much higher from your lower bound thats no longer estimation thats just borderline random guesswork
youre still actually obsessed over the fact that japans sexual assault rates are lower than englands we already know that so all youre trying to do is convince me your estimation is statistically valid even though it isnt
i pulled 50% reporting rate out of my ass earlier
your entire guesswork here is out of your ass regarding japan unreported rape cases can differ greatly from unreported sexual assault cases
take a look at this article"The survey, conducted online between August and September by the sexual assault survivors' organization Spring, questioned 5,899 victims of sexual abuse…"
"A total of 34% of all respondents answered that they had been harassed by "parents, parents' partners, relatives, or other acquaintances." However, when limited to sexual assault involving insertion, the proportion of cases with the above harassers rose to 59%"
things like this can be significant statistically because if a country that has an issue with sexual abuse of minors will largely ignored in stats because kids rarely if ever go to the police to report the crime so as you can see the data used to smear or praise a country can largely be incomplete
>>551547and dropping in japan even after broadening the law
statistically insignificant 2019 rapes increased and only in 2020 did it decrease to the same levels as 2018 after the law change
>>551569apparently i have to explain everything to you in autistic nerd detail for you to get what i'm saying
you started by talking about how that picture comparing japan and the uk isn't accurate, japan's rate is actually higher. i was just mentioning that it's not entirely innacurate about japs having a lower rate than the uk despite only representing reported numbers. every time that picture is posted somebody talks about how it's only the reported rate, but the uk underreports as well, i already pointed out that japan underreports more so than other countries, but every single country's reported rates are only a small fraction of the actual cases. i never made the argument that japan is a crimeless rapeless paradise, all i did was point out that you can still compare their overall rates if you make estimations and you took that as me claiming that i somehow knew exactly what the unreported numbers are even after i made it clear that i wasn't saying that. so i had to explain, and you still don't understand.
no shit it's guesswork you moron. i'm not saying that i'm 100% certain that the u.n. figure is exactly only 2% of the total, it's an overall estimate that assumes that 8,650 only constitues 2% of the actual cases. any cases that aren't in the statistics, are part of that assumed 98%, or 97%, or whatever other percentage you want to use to compare the rates. any cases that aren't in the statistics (i'm not just talking about cases where people don't tell the police, i'm talking about cases where it doesn't make it into the official stats for any reason), would be in that 98% estimated chunk of cases.
>>551569you get a different result for each percentage, but those are the possible totals based on the u.n. stats, and in most of those the rate will be lower than the uk. the only reason i'm assuming 98% is because it's an overwhelming majority damn near close to all of the cases in order to be especially strict with japan and more lenient with the uk. it's not necessarily because of that survey, i just pointed it out to set the precedent that there's reason to believe that an overwhelming majority of cases are not reported even when compared to other countries reporting rates
remember that we're talking about rates of sexual violence which includes both rape and sexual assault, the point is that we're assuming the worst for japan in a general sense, that the vast majority of the all of these cases are not being included in the official numbers. you've already conceded that there's more than enough reason to believe that japan is safer, ultimately that's all i was mentioning from the start anyway before you acted like a cunt, and the point of the image that you're talking about still stands, that the uk has no right to wave its finger at the japs when they're clearly doing much worse. but just because you don't understand what i'm estimating doesn't mean it's irrelevant, it clearly shows that in the worst case assumptions japan is still doing better than the uk. i don't know how to make this any clearer for you.
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>>551600bh pissbaby white knight status: STEAMED ✔️
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crying for henri glad that ragey sagey is still around at least from the good old days
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>666Maybe someday soon, someone will..