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Mom left over a week ago and I've been alone in the house 24/7 this whole time without getting scared once
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Please excuse my poor English Blue Reflection can't play it's .wmv cutscene videos on Linux no matter what.
There's some ProtonDB reports saying it works with an old version of Proton and mf-install (I wrote this btw and it's used by thousands of people), but that just silently skips the cutscenes instead of crashing the game.
I wonder how long those fools played before realizing it is silently skipping the cutscenes
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>>550554Windows 11 literally just came out today you need to install it sir, they improved the data-collection and NSA backdoors so much you'll love it.
Secure boot and a TPM chip is required though for reliable hardware fingeprinting, so make sure your motherboard supports it.
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>>550558It uses 4GB of RAM on boot and sends over 1GB of data with nothing open
Very good would recommend sirs it runs the Google Chrome and TeamViewer fine
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>>550563>you are so paranoid about being "tracked" then you probably have something to hide in which case you should definitely be locked away.Super retarded low IQ take.
You deserve to have political opinions without being investigated by the FBI for "right wing extremism", and shouldn't have to end your statements with "in minecraft". You deserve to be able to look up how to make TATP without being put on a terrorist watchlist. You deserve to do ANYTHING on your computer without corporations or governments knowing.
I honestly don't give a fuck if someone pirates Kanye West's new album or looks up cp. Privacy and security and freedom for personal computing for all is far more important than anything the government or corporations wants to control, and I will not give up a single inch of capability for digital privacy/security/freedom for this.
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My old shitty wireless mouse broke and I got myself a brand new MX518 for 20% off it was literally the last one they had in the store. I hate wireless. Never had any trust in this technology.
But I just realized I need to once again cycle 3 miles one way just to get a mousepad because I don't want to ruin this divine mouse so quickly. I have not used a mousepad since 2008. I wonder if I will discover something new about mousepads now that I am an adult.
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>>550684>I am an adult.Arrested development failure to launch manbaby permanent teenager