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>>550085I am a well-above average intelligence and jacked NEET hopeless romantic.
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>>550087I am tired of the "if you claim to be intelligent you're actually dumb" meme.
Yes claiming to be intelligent makes you look bad, and smart people are smart enough to know they shouldn't do it just because of that.
But I'm anonymous and I don't care. I'm far more intelligent than the average person. The average person wants dystopian government tyranny, surveillance, forced vaccines that cause injury and death which are actively censored, and they are angry at the unvaxxed people for taking their freedom away because the media/big tech/government told them it was unvaxxed taking their freedom away, not the government.
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>>550093Do you remember in 2020 when people were warning about vaccine passports it was called a "conspiracy theory"?
I guess that "conspiracy theory" was completely true.
>>550090I never claimed to be smart though?
And yet again you've proved my point. Tu quoque is often used by low IQ teens like you.
3x0, you're losing here.
>>550099Actually, yes you directly implied that. Let's rewind
Act 1 OP makes a claim about
us. Your direct response:
>>like us>LMAFO, not everyone is a low IQ*, low T, fag teen like you. Act 2 You receive a response to your post about ``low IQ'' claiming above average intelligence. You reply by calling the person ``unsmart". Was this a subtle maneuver away from your original assertion of intelligence, which is measurable?
Act 3 Next, you received a response accepting your new language, asserting that you are in fact part of ``us" because that poster is ``smarter" than you. Then, you replied claiming you never said you were ``smart".
Epilogue So you were wrong and ``lost" from your very first post, when you claimed to not be a part of my ``low IQ"
QED you're dumb. Don't backpedal on my watch faggot.
*Translator's note: IQ = intelligence quota
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>>550113sugoi are you a theater otaku
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>>550092>But I'm anonymousnot quite
which is why your chest thumping and unwarranted arrogance comes off as very embarrassing and pathetic given your station in life
>>550100What village, nigga? This isn't rural Japan, it's a hodgepodge of ethnic miscellany forced together for the economic benefit of a crumbling empire.
>>550121If he didn't matter you wouldn't care.
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The most dangerous person in the world is me.