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Often fantasize about seeing a woman walking alongside the road in an area with no cameras and stopping and asking if she needs a ride and beating her within an inch of her life and pushing her into a creek
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>>571839Thanks for filling up the glownígger queue with more stupid shit that isn't actionable.
It has to be a credible direct threat or else it's free speech protected by the 1st amendment.
Kill all níggers = completely legal free speech
"I'm going to kill [insert name here]" = no no
>>571843Why are SJW trannies so evil?
>You made misogynistic posts on an imageboard so I'm going to dox you and ruin your lifeJust kys instead of bringing real life into internet drama you fucking freak troon.
>>571844based whatmin the patron saint of shitty posters coming to defense of a psychopath who harassed someone's mother for a month over exactly that and basically killed two communities because he's just that much of an unlikable attention whoring subhuman
you're such a fucking retard it's unbelievable what does even happen in your weed addled schizo head of yours to make you this retarded holy fuck
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