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>>549212he'll blow it 100%, that's why he's a wizard
i guarantee you that this en whore won't meet his purity requirement
>>549217>>549218he lives for the jp cred, he would never throw it all out he's too invested
just look how the milk/brigs saga ended
he'll self-sabotage it one way or another
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He really thought that we'd let him escape the crab bucket
>>549267On hima they sent pnig to prison probably days before he was about to lose his virginity to a teenaged coworker that he was taking on motorcycle rides and getting invited to parties by.
Nobody is leaving this bucket.
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>>549367It's funny, first he deletes the cel thread, then he tells people to fuck off to ota if they want to talk about it, and now he has the gall to cry after people post about him here
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Is this from the finn teen feet girl arc?