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87 f high in september
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90 in september
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Just right.
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45 f in september
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just got back from 10 mile run its still hot in the 80s f but almost fall so listened to the mountain of faith soundtrack
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going to be 91 in september
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84 high in september
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75 in September. I think that's a new record.
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88 degrees in October
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82 high. in September..
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got high on the weekend
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So let's assume climate proxy data is real science, like trying to tell dates and temperatures from gas trapped in ice bubbles.
The Earth currently has a little over 400ppm CO2 levels
According to this data
1) Older periods like the Jurassic had 3000 to 9000ppm CO2 levels (wow the dinosaurs must have been driving a lot of SUVs)
2) Temperature rises happened first, and CO2 levels increased after, lagging behind
If atmospheric CO2 was the actual causative factor in temperature rises, we would see a linear increase with CO2 levels, and that's not what we see. The Jurassic would have been a hellscape like Venus.
CO2 is a relatively weak and insignificant greenhouse gas, it's far weaker than water vapor, yet it's claimed to be the cause behind temperature rise, not just a correlation that goes with it.
Any scientist who brings up this obvious logic and tries to question the climate cult alarmist narrative gets defunded and cancelled.
>>632766> we would see a linear increase with CO2 levelswhy? because you magically think it to be so?
co2 levels and temperature aren't a linear function moron, eventually co2 levels reach an equilibrium and more of it doesn't increase temperature that much, which is why the cambrian period was almost twice as hotter but not then times hotter than modern times
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82 high. In October…