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I can't even make an online friend since I'm too scared to type or talk in online games or join an irc or discord, but thats okay some people just weren't meant to do certain things
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the norms
>>548402join #jp
it's anonymous chat with nice anons like here
>>548405I agree with this. Imageboards are easy to talk on, you're anonymous and topics and time easily pass. But talking on stuff where you have an identity is just as hard as real life. Maybe even harder.
In real life you at least have body language to pick up on.
By the way, I think the hardest is talking on the phone in real life. Unlike texting you have to respond in real time on the fly with little to no time to think or plan. Unlike talking in person you have no body language to pick up on and adjust the flow of the conversation, all you have is the tone of their voice. And unlike talking online you actually know the other person.
>>548403thanks anonymous friend
>>548405Yeah sometimes i manage to get over my fear in online games and talk a bit but then someone recognizes me and i lose the veil of anonymity and freeze up and have to find a new game. Mostly stick to single player games now so that doesn't happen or pre-emptively disable all text and talk in a game
>>548400Just learn some bottled phrases that others use, be like "haha yeah, always happens" or "damn, that's awful"
I can hold entire conversations like that and it's really helped me in the workplace. The only thing that screws me over is when they want to know what I do on my free time, it's always hard to deflect the question or make something up (I've a hard time telling outright lies due to autism)
I do realize though, that the norms are generally nice people that just want to talk and know more about you or tell you about their lives, and I'm the jerk who pretends to be interested. But eh, I'm surviving out there.
>>548439Wow you really are autistic huh.
The only reason they talk to you at work is because they're bored. Otherwise they're doing their weird norm hierarchy mindgames to see how badly they mog you so they can assert their own status as your "better."
>>548447yeah but what she didn't show you was how she went ecstatically went back to those guys and got happily pounded by all their fat white old man cocks after the stream was over
or maybe even before it was over, fuckin hate foids
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>>548605how big was your school
mine was small so I basically knew everyone even in other grades but there are schools with thousands of students, it's much easier to be a ghost in big schools
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I became a weird isolated mentally ill old man
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