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i thought allergy season was the spring hope your sniffles get better
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>>548167that sounds so hard im sorry
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>>548299Mean-cruel-awful-rude post
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today i woke up early feeling like molasses and had a sneezing attack
the 24h pills are only lasting 16h now and i can't sleep
took another one early hoping that it doesn't get any worse today
typing this in between getting up to blow my nose again
going to try to keep updating this blog until the allergy season ends
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doctor said I should take a pill and a nasal spray so I try to do it every day but some days I forget to spray
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just sneeze my life into pieces
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it happened again ota I took the pills but forgot to spray
then on my bike ride I got to the top of the hill and inhaled then sneezed 3 times and my nose started to pulse and fill up with fluid
it's all fun and games until you want to go to bed, then it's sneeze city
>>548470if masks don't work for viruses what makes you think they'd work for pollen
>>548574no way it's that low
you can see pollen so it's obviously way bigger
>>548579Pollen 10 - 1000 microns
Viruses 0.005 - 0.3 microns
think this link got me banned for some reason…
http s://ww w.en ginee ring too lbo x.c om/p articl e-siz es-d _93 4. h t ml
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managed to sleep for a solid 4 hours this time, woke up at 2 pm
everything was fine for a few seconds
then the faucet turned on
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this past week I've been waking up feeling worse and worse, but only for a couple hours
it's a vicious cycle, this season feels like it's never gonna end
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should have taken my allergy medicine this morning just got back from 4.2 mile run and the cottonwood was falling so thick it was like a snowstorm my head hurts
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remember to take your allergy medicine
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>>571865I do it so you can't track me through my filenames. Simple as, now stop asking.
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its that time of year again ota im sneezing im sighing the air filter did NOT help
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spent 60 dollars on allergy meds