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Despite all my rage I'm still just a ratman in a cage
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Gaming drains away your life energy and precious time that could be put to better use. The same with masturbation. No wonder otaku NEETs are virtually all useless cumbrain manchilds because game, fap and cartoons are their sole pastime activities. The CCP managed to isolate these problems and limit their exposure to the sub 130 IQ population so that they could finally advance.
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>>548429I beat FFXV in 69 hours, nice.
Game's biggest flaw: Easy to have practically infinite heals you can stop the fight at anytime to use
>27.5% of players have this achievement>26.6% of players have this achievementThe first cheevo is for something 99% through the game, right before the ending, who are these people that quit right before that???
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>>548436I should learn to read, huh…
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>>548478I get that for some games but not for this game in particular.
As you get towards the end of the game things just gets worse and darker, the end of the game is as depressing and dark as they could make it.
There is actually nothing to even do between that cheevo and the final ending. You would just be stuck in this dark hellish game world.
>>548561 a wedgie*
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The only way I'm ever sticking it in you is if you spread them.
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I received four separate compliments on my arms today.
Little do the norms know they are as sheep admiring the lion for the sharpness of his fangs.
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I may well be perceived in the wrong way as often times I am, there's still a sore spot for me always acting like a feminine bloke.
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I stopped by a gas station after 2 hours of back exercises and the woman at the register said I look like an anime character
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me and my blackcel acquaintance (hes 5'3" or 5'4", recessed chin, ethnic, rejected by his school oneitis, and has lurked this site) were hanging out and my aunt overheard me and him talking about the pills. she asked us what we were talking about and i told her she wouldnt understand but he wanted me to explain. so i basically just told her the pills were dating terms and briefly explained what the bluepill, redpill, and blackpill was. i didnt go fully into detail cus i knew she wouldnt understand either way but she asked us what "pill" we were. both of us said we were blackpillers and she immediately started giving us advice and attacking us at the same time. she told us just be confident and that girls look for confident/funny guys, after we retaliated with our own arguments about face and height she then just started calling us misogynist and stuff. was quite funny to hear my aunt unironically use words like bluepill and blackpill tho
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he needs a bullet to the head
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“The more he identifies with the dominant images of need, the less he understands his own life and his own desires. The spectacle’s estrangement from the acting subject is expressed by the fact that the individual’s gestures are no longer his own; they are the gestures of someone else who represents them to him.”
― oatman
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who wouldn't want to hug hanayo