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spin me right round baby right round
Needless to say, by the time the two got home, Nozomi was even bigger than before. Her shirt’s buttons were strained to their limits, her special-order jeans felt tight around her hips, her… everything felt heavier and more sluggish than ever before. Every part of her body felt wobblier, as if handfuls of jiggly jelly stuck to her not-that-small frame as he was growing in real time, packing on pounds of heavy blubber non-stop.
Loud wooden creaks and cracks sounded under the weighty pressure of her ass being planted on their double-king-sized bed – she was way too big for a regular king-sized one, and even with such adjustments, looking at the rate with which she expanded, she would soon reach the point when her fat sides would start hanging off the sides of their bed. Again.
“Are you feeling better?.. Nozomi, you shouldn’t overeat like that. I think it was too much… Even for you.”
Aggressive bubbling and groans of her overtaxed tummy echoed in the small bedroom, quiet pops of the liquid meat inside pushing a bubble of gas up her throat, when finally…
She sighed, the heaviest belch in her life erupting in one impulse of gluttonous haze that shook the windows of Nozomi and Eli’s apartments.