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File: 1629304807646.jpg (63.22 KB, 480x713, 7bdd45e9d3a17dd8c99f014ca2….jpg)

No. 546646

Yeah, so those threads you bumped were on page 50 because nobody wanted to discuss the topic any more. Why come to a forum for dialogue and use it for mastrubatory monologue.

Just go to some booru and press ctrl+d and leave the rest of us out of it. Or even make a new thread or even add anything to the previous discussion. This kind of inanity is pathetic, let alone the fact that you get 1 reply for every 20 threads you necro. Or even check out the same idea and placing it in a different forum that hasn't already gone over it, or some place like Gaia or /vg/ where there's whole boards dedicated to such cycling over singular topics.


Recently when i necro threads they've done really well and gotten multiple replies. I'm like a librarian rotating the books on the recommended shelf to give threads a new chance at life


It makes me happy when someone necros my threads


go back there subhuman


Did you save this shit? Freak.


>You were banned from all boards for an unspecified reason.

>Your ban was filed on Monday 16 August, 2021 and has since expired. Refresh the page to continue.

Can't even remember what I did..
Pretty sure I posted here yesterday and didn't get this message…


Wait I think I remember what it was lol.


formal apologies btw oatmin


Yes kneel before the Otamin


no one appreciates the effort I went through of converting this image from bmp to jpg to make this thread the first time


bot that necros hundreds of threads evey time a new thread get's posted..
ai that recycles old ota posts to simulate activity


they need this reminder


as for me i need my pseudoephedrine before i can post


Since ota redirects you to an old thread whenever you make a new thread, I bump the thread that it redirects me to. It wouldn't redirect me to that thread if it didn't want me to do something. I didn't get redirected last time I made a thread though. Still spat out an error message however.

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