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Have you tried eating healthy and showering regularly?
>>545923I don't really go hanging around outside I might try the wipes
>>545928I haven't eaten a confectionery in probably a year or more now I don't even eat rice like I used to. And I don't get how bathing would help but I do that daily anyway.
>>545947I am the one that told you about that idiot.
And that's for moisturizing not preventing blemishes.
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>>556517To be clear, stuff that I found out:
exfoliating just right > never exfoliating > exfoliating too much
This includes with just a wash cloth.
Another big part of the battle was finding the right moisturizers. I used a lot of different kinds of lotions, some expensive ones I think made me break out even more. It just took experimentation.
Also washing your pillow case/sheets is a real thing, do it at least once a week.