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This is my girlfriend Terra her purpose is to destroy the empire.
She's cool and strong unlike you.
They also have to raise it.
>>545340Plenty of men made a name for themselves without having literal children.
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>>545358Women should not be raising men alone
FACT: 90% of hima was raised by single mothers
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>>545366yeah was just thinking of getting a good laugh out of watching drooling retards communicate in their retardspeak crying about their retarded problems
>>545378Modern women are absolute garbage at raising children. They create criminals and mentally ill manbabies.
Meanwhile boys raised by their fathers almost always end up as cool guys.
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>>545376He uses several elliptical constructions and lexis with unobvious morthological background to conceal the allegorical premise of his post, but once you read into it it becomes clear he says he's never had sex and has been considering suicide for some time lately.
>>545373Mom raided[1] the fridge and got pissed[2], now she's making me go to the therapist. This sucks. Fuck this.
[1] Means "opened", "checked"; leaving as "raided" for clarification on the wordfilter
[2] It is implied that the poster ate and drank more than he was supposed to, especially beers ("blogs")
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Dad made taco sauce last night for the tacos we're gonna have for dinner now the kitchen smells really nice like tomatoes and spices
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Women should not have the right to choose their mates so they will be forced to marry intelligent kindhearted ota gentlemen such as myself instead of electing to get railed by some 6'6" drug addict with bipolar and getting beaten half to death every Friday and eventually left with 3 children while he goes to prison.
The more rights women get the worst civilization becomes and this is no coincidence we need to look to the things that worked in the past.
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play video games you can accel in a field
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Love making fun shapes in window fog while i wait for my gf to bring the snacks for our studydate
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story time
back in primary school in i think 94 or 95 our school had a swimming pool but for some reason we changed into our bathing clothing in the classroom
the teacher partitioned off with screens a corner each for the boys and girls
anyway me and a school chum returned late from swimming and decided to peak into the girls changing area because it was against the window and we could get up on a bench and look in from outside
we Please stick it in me'd at the naked girlies but then were caught by the teacher and she slapped us, yeah oldschool huh
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>>572230>>572232This is how I imagine you two.
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all girls want to be plugged
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