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thats umi not henri this is henri
>>545252subject + transitive verb scheme implies any sort of equaition between subject and object is impossible which you didn't take into account when you made your post
and be warned if you say you've done that on purpose meow meow wittgenstein will drop in
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Anyone else feel happy thinking about meow nyaa idols then sometimes see a really smart post and get confused and feel bad the rest of the night
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woah Henri seems like a cool idol, what school idol group is she from??
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people are making the smart posts that make me feel confused and bad again
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>>562832i was wondering how exactly iori became known as the anal idol
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>>579293Probably because of based Mamezou and because big forehead = buttslut.
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feel dumb rereading this thread again going to go back to meow meow idols
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>>579328bullymean not meow meow post