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>>545041Why did you sage your own thread while it's at the top of the board?
Something just doesn't add up.
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>>545040Are you saying I can binge on black market horsemeat and get jacked
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>>545037How do you slurp fruits through a straw they're far too big to fit
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>Oguri Cap
>Oguri Cap (Japanese : オグリキャップ, 27 March 1985 – 3 July 2010) was a Japanese thoroughbred racehorse.
Can't eat her she's already dead.
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this girl once thought the horsies were her friends, but one day she received a grim reminder…
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>>545069This was pentathlon, they have 5 events and the horse thing is one of them. So she had a world record number of points and was in first place, going for gold, and then Uma Kami grants her this one for her event since they can't chose the horse and it gets chosen at random.
Horse already gave up for the day earlier with the previous rider, and decides no more, he does NOT want to play games anymore. Cue like 10 minutes of her bawling her eyes out in frustration on the horse trying to get it under control as the horse just does whatever it wants, her points drop like a rock on screen, and she goes from 1st place to 31st.
Also her coach got suspended for hitting it.
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that doesnt feel fair you should be able to bring your horsefren to the event
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>>545068>>545083Holy fuck LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
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hachimi hachimi ha~chi~mi
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Can't get this song out of my head.
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I'll just stay here until big O comes back to maul that cockroach.
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Went for a run for the first time since I sprained my toe and the toukai teio song played but i had to stop jogging because i was too tired and didn't want to hurt myself again and thought of the funny time where teio had to walk while everyone was running so she didn't hurt herself more. think im going to keep taping my toe for another week or so to be safe even though its probably fine
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bumping this gem