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I was wondering what the Jeb Bush guac bowls from 2016 were selling for now so I looked it up on Ebay and was surprised to find there is none.
I had a feeling they'd be rare and appreciate in value, but not this rare.
>>544477this site is cool you can find all kinds of cool plates and stuff think i might ask for something from here for christmas
look at these cool wiggly plates No.544480
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>>544476Have you tried them all? I doubt it
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used to have a few teaspoons of mct oil in my coffee for breakfast
just gave me nasty gas
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>>544483Cool shit to take:
α-Ketoglutaric acid
Reishi mushroom (no mycelium)
Vitamin D
Standard multi-vitamins
I've taken all of these and I'm fine.
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i take zinc and a magnesium sleep supplement occasionally
took some b vitamin high strength because i thought my drinking had depleted them but not noticed any difference, and i dont like how it makes my piss fluro yellow
also drink kefir now which is based
>>544484>>544485cool I'll add these to the list
never heard of the acid or mushroom before