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Shrine Tank
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I like yumu.
Also today is yumu day.
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Me on top when I find myself an otavirg
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anubis-kun daisuki
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my favrite 2hu is watame
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my favorite touhou is tang keke check out her silly hat
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>>545095this describes me pretty well but i would rather be a cute virgin boy than let someone stick it in me
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>>545066wow, I fantasize about this too!!
but it's also about being friends but very special friends who hug and cuddle and also even maybe kiss
that's mostly propaganda, those complications you're thinking of only apply to anal sex that is very rough, deep and frequent, the kind that also damages the vagina, although its true the anus is slightly more susceptible. So long as proper maintenance is done, ie the hole is kept clean and well lubed, you keep PREDICTABLE stuff like fisting to a minimum, and ideally kegels exercises are done to strenghten the anal muscles its perfectly safe. As for finding it kinda gross, you're probably still thinking of the dirty, hairy, stinky man asses of ugly dudes who do stuff like scratch their butt and sniff their finger when you think of anal. Once you've replaced that image with the image of a messy haired cutie with a hairless, nubile body, eagerly showing off the tight pink hole between their soft, pale cheeks and begging you to start fucking it, anal will seem much more natural and appealing. Remember, there are lots of people who think all sex is nasty and degenerate, and they usually end up getting over it. Its just another part of the body, y'know?
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be pushy. You're right that sex doesn't have to be about penetration, I just want otards to be able to do everything with each other that they could do with a foid, so they don't feel like what they're doing is a lesser, second-rate kind of sex, and seeing your lover spread his legs for you and watching his reaction as you slowly push inside him isn't something I want them to miss out on. Would you consider trying it on special occasions, when you'd found a partner you knew you could trust?
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>>545172boobers bouncing boing boing boing
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>>545110I meant because this thread is so gay.
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i cant find the dogfucking thread
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>>545287me on the right, you on the left
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>>545352yeah take it slutboy
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you wouldn't fuck a 2hu
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definitely getting more looks from women it comes down to 3 possible explanations
1 - working out has altered my chemical composition
2 - i am actually attractive
3 - My groove is way too extraordinary for the normans they know I'm a force to be reckoned with.