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>>543313thanks for protecting me from the bully
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A negroid at the store called me kid
I'm like 3/4 your age and you just commented on my mass why are you trying to pick a fight now
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We need cute Yuudachis here
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wish shireikan would invite me to a night battle
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imagine a christfreak going to the sistine chapel and seeing the homoerotic art of michelangelo in the ceiling
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new orange cure is a boy
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uh they already did that with henri
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Henri lifted me up and fucked my ass while dressed as a boatgirl in a hotel broom closet during the 2015 Otakon and when I started crying because poop was getting all over my cosplay outfit he told me no one would ever believe me
Speak for yourself, bitch. I'm 6'4", white, Swede by blood, where pretty much every woman I meet crushes on me. I've lived all types of lifestyles, from train hopper to big tech money grabber. In my current industry, I'm making $133k, only 3 years in it. I'm a trained dancer and can pull in $45/hour street performing, zero taxes ever, whenever I get sick of whatever job I'm working at and want to mix it up. I play two instruments. I draw. I repair cars. I repair bikes. I can hunt. I can fish. I can forage. I can build houses and do electric and plumbing. I can farm (large and small scale). I can code with the best of them. I'm very well learned in history and philosophy. I know film. I know visual arts. I can shoot photography top tier and have taken thousands of photos all over the world. I'm constantly self teaching something new. I follow my own political beliefs and reject consumerism. I'm very well read in classical lit, amongst other genres. I'm very well listened to in all types of music. I dress well and my whole wardrobe is tailored. I know how to skirt all types of laws for profit and increased freedom. I can be happy in any lifestyle and have explored countless above and underground cultures, and can fit in with anyone from hood rats to wall street bros. I follow my own path, am self made, and self disciplined. You're just a weak cuck.
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>>585373>I watch over 70% of all shows every seasonBruh are you okay?
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>>585373400 entries is nothing. I have over 1k entries and I only watch like 10 shows a season on average.
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love anal episodes