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is akari a slut?
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is miyuki a slut?
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glasses is the ultimate slut attribute no matter the hair colour
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Explain yourself, otamin.
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yes henri it was delicious thank you
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Where is he?
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How can I take it easy in this loathsome environment?
>>546300even when you discount badposts on ota nen's still comparatively very slow and I don't like how basically no new threads get ever made there because everyone just keeps bumping year old threads
it's depressing how unusably bad the jp sphere has become over the years
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(kissu (kissu (kissu)))
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Let's fucking go!
>>546354Not really
Imagedump threads are lame
The best kinds of threads are the ones that spark discussion.
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>>546354a two line scenario for an anime girl image works just fine and can generate future discussion by adding to the "ota-lore" for that pairing
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its back
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Where's Teenmin?
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I think Otamin's greeting card got lost in the mail… Either that or his evil foster family tossed it in the fireplace.
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why is otamin so shy?
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>>546300why is her sever so slow
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Can Otamin explain what is wrong with married Japanese women?
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>>571789The same thing that's wrong with married western women. Or unmarried Japanese women. Or unmarried western women.
Women in general.
They're the embodiment of all the negative aspects of humanity.
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just what is wrong with otamnin
The funny thing is the encryption still works.
There's no actual purpose of certificate authorities, there's no reason to trust a CA over the website itself.
If you look it up you can't find a single explanation why, this CA's website has the only danger being "because browsers show a warning and might scare off users" No.588783
>>588780The reason you have Root CA's is so that I can't intercept the requests and responses Ota and claim to be Ota-ch, since the Root CA won't give me a certificate signed by them for Ota-ch unless I own the domain. With a self signed cert anyone can pretend to be the domain owner(since there is no chain of trust to a root CA).
The reason why certs expire is so that if I got a hold of the Ota-ch cert I can only pretend to be Ota-ch until the cert expires(after which, again the root CA won't issue me a cert letting me pretend to be Ota-ch).
Kill yourself whatmin you incomparable retard.
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>>588783>intercept the requests and responses Ota and claim to be Ota-chThis implies a government MitM attack on your internet connection, in which case they could also pretend to be CAs, and it would make it even easier for them because there's only so many CAs.
There is no threat specific to self-signed certificates, someone hijacking your network connection and swapping domains/IP addresses can also pretend to be a CA.
>>588786Or anybody using public wifi dipshit.
They can pretend to be the CA but the signature won't match the ones in your browser or operating systems keystore.
I know you love wikipedia so how about you go read the article on SSL since I'm sure it will answers all of the next hypotheticals or cop-outs that it takes a nation state actor to take advantage of a self signed or hijacked unexpired cert.
>>588789Okay you're right that if everyone in the world used self-signed certs, "bad guy's wifi hotspot" MitM attacks could happen where someone hijacks Myspace.
I guess the issue really comes down to this:
Your browser/OS has a list of trusted CAs, if even a single one of those CAs is able to be controlled by the attacker, then that's enough.
A state actor is hijacking your internet connection and swapping out domains/IP, you go to Myspace, it redirects you to their fake Myspace signed by a CA your browser/OS trusts.
I am 500 million % sure the US gov has control of at least one CA that is trusted by major browsers and Windows.
>>588793Don't care about that schizo crap I was just telling you why you were a retard for pretending ca signed certs and expiring certs weren't necessary, and they're necessary is to prevent script kiddies from impersonating domains and MITM people.
Ignoring the fact there's no reason for them to bother with hijacking a ca when they can just subpoena the domain owner for any info.
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>>588883Use surf from suckless
It's only 2,000 lines of code and written in C (just ignore the webkit2gtk behind the curtain), it doesn't have room for bloat like warning about SSL certs.
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>>588914Sir please calm down I am trying to switch to the Let's Encrypt it is free please be patient while I do the needful
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>>588957Sir please be patient I am trying to configure the Apache for Let's Encrypt it is very hard you fucking bitch lasagna
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nothing cuter than a tearful girl
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words cannot begin to describe how much I hate you lot
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casting a summoning spell
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waiting warmly for the 「otamin」christmas miracle
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posting under otamin's command
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wow now it looks nice and neat thanks
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don't mean to impose or anything but you better have a look at your report queue
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That's better.
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Thanks for making me this person in all their heads now btw