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>>542790"Colorless green" is just as much of a contradiction as "sleep furiously", or "ideas sleep", so I don't get why you're clinging onto that one in particular. His point
is retarded to some extent because he takes into consideration only everyday semantics to illustrate how that sentence doesn't make sense which he got roasted for by Jakobson, but he's still obviously right that grammatical correctness isn't prerequisite for a sentence being meaningful.
>>542902>No one with an average IQ or better has ever said that grammar is equivalent to meaningI'd say it actually is. Thanks to polysemia being able to be derived within any context, a meaning can be attributed to any sentence as long as it is grammatically correct. Even in Chomsky's example: colorless green = bleak green, green ideas = ecoactivism, sleep = to be inactive, sleep furiously = to fail to overcome inactivity and helplessness. And voila, you get a pretty starightforward statement about how people don't try hard enough to battle global warming and stuff.
>If the sentence is so important please explain why the words "colorless green" were irreplaceableIt's not inherently important, you could easily replace it with anything else that doesn't seem to be making any sense, but since this sentence in particular was the one that Chomsky actually used, it also naturally became the one to be a symbol of his line of thought. It wasn't supposed to be complex or eye-opening, just a mere illustration of his point.
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>>543073Jesus I just don't fucking get what you think exactly makes it ``poorly written". It doesn't hold any major significance on its own, at this point it's more of an allusion to Chomsky's work, and before that it had been but a simple illustration. Just get over it already. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you.
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wish i could have gotten a cute chomsky cunning linguist _f in college sigh wasted my youth