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>>542458wtf is this real?
>>548718That's stupid
You talk like he was a sailor for 20 years that decided to retire to start a stable family life.
It's not like spamming idols on a dying imageboard and watching the same episodes of garbage idol anime takes a lot of time and energy. He can live out his dumb norm life like he always has and still do those things. He just got so anally devastated that the otamin didn't give him special treatment and made a joke of him that he left. Literally a 30 year old teen having a tantrum because he couldn't take a joke.
>>548734That's the risk involved. If you can't handle it don't play the game.
I've had pizzas delivered and the FBI calling my phone before because of the spinoffs.
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henri is sleeping with the fishies
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just got back from 13 km night run it was really windy some of the gusts were up to 50 km per hour and big branches had fallen on the trail
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ran 7.5 km right after sunset watched the stars come out while listening to infinite being from mystic square
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ran 22 km and was listening to fall in the dark when a couple deer leaped across the path then their glowing eyes watched me from the woods