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>>542106I'm 18 (and possibly lying about that because I have to be 18 to post here)
What are you gonna do about it faggot?
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On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog…. When you are accused of being something in an anonymous setting (being a teen, coming from gaia, being a normalfag, whatever else): if it doesn't apply then ignore it, as there is nothing you can say to convince your accuser otherwise; but if it does apply, then you should reflect on your posting style and identify what led its discovery. A sufficiently well-disguised teen is simply another poster.
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>>542108I made this post, back when I was hyped for SMT V.
It came out in November 2021 and I beat it in about a month.
The story was really bad, awful really, everything else was good though.
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I actually was planning on it.
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>>584955Bro you rolled Bowsette, I'm personally not a fan of this dead meme character but how do you feel about her?
Btw that's not me, but thanks for showing you're a soyboy, go get your 5th booster and browse /r/OhMyScience
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>>584962there is nothing sexual about them per se it's how your brain perceives them