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So I just wanted to post this, the Japanese Conan guy (why do they like Conan so much?) said "If you speak Japanese then remove that kimoi text from your profile"
Got banned and the other person left on their own will.
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When you're driving in the car they got the Nier Automata soundtrack available and Song of the Ancients/Weight of the World are two bangers, I think they're some kind of slight mix/arrangement from the originals.
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>>541893He did that when he made a blog thread.
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Anyway, I started thinking about living inna woods again.
I mean, wouldn't be able to survive the event where my mom doesn't come back home with groceries because I'm scared of leaving my house but I'm pretty confident I'd be able set out for the great outdoors and carve out a nice little place for me.
I'd build a house out of wood, I never did construction or anything but I read about it on the internet and it's basically like lego.
I'd grow my own food (I have lots of experience with growing because I grow my own weed) and things like having a medical emergency in the middle of nowhere don't bother me at all because doctors are all quacks and I know better because I'm smarter than 99% of the population(before I dropped out of school they made me take an IQ test because they thought I was retarded)
I lived my whole life as an idle neet but I bet I'd acclimate to a life of constant hardship pretty much instantly, it's going to be great I can't wait.
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Oh yeah, forgot to mention, ate some fish today and it gave me panic attacks again. I hate when this happens.
That's it for now, I know you guys are dying to know what happens in my life but I have to go now and jack off 15 times in succession to ugly camwhores.
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>>541897>>541898How do you remember such oddly specific details of things from years ago, like that bad can of sardines, obsessed freak.
Imagine taking the time to write this shit out.
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Flood detected; Post discarded.
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Flood detected; Post discardedd.
>>541903How can you accuse him of being obsessed when you attentionwhore and broadcast your life and have been doing for years?
He knows all that because you posted about it, not because he's been stalking you or anything.
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>>541908Satirizing very small details of things I mentioned years ago is weird sorry. Obsessed homo
Now blog about your life or get out
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made tea for breakfast
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>Weight of the World starts playing
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Did you know the character designer for Hanasaku Iroha was the same as Blue Reflection?
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Thinking about playing Blue Reflection
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Anal with Iori with her boots on
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File: 1626997087217.jpg (469.11 KB, 850x1217, sample_327034a269c7bd6adb1….jpg) is so good and better than the original
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I like the oooooooooOOOOOOoooooooo part
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literally gnfos
>>542984Uhhh we hate eoptubers
We only like shubaru, watamelon, peko, lulu, coco, and gibara.
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>Sakusei Dungeon Kouryaku ni Mukanai Jimiko no S-kyuu Dosukebe Status | Escaping a semen squeezing dungeon with a modest girl who I really didn't expect to have S-rank slut stats
Okay Japan you can stop with these really long names now
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>Only women work there. As a matter of fact, women are the ones who do all the work in this town
Wtf I love feminism now?
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>>543192The only society I've seen where women do all the work was a central Asian country (one of the *stans) and the men just sat around drinking and playing games all day
It was hilarious and based
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>When the MC says the title of the movie
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>>543194girls are supposed to protect weak girls
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you call this a blog
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The FF pixel remasters on Steam as of yesterday
Playing FF1 and I'm actually really surprised how well the game holds up today, even if it wasn't graphically improved mechanically for 1987 it's impressive.
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>>543668>>543665Post, nice person
>>543666Don't post not nice person
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I'm getting tired of living catless…
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pyon pyon ayumis
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Finished FF1
Was a very short game actually, you could organically finish this in like 8 hours I think, but still good. Last boss gave me trouble but I just kept stacking giant's glove on my thief and gave him haste until he was hitting the boss for 2k each time
Don't run some meme shit like 4 warriors, run at least 1 white mage, the game is really easy except for the last boss, so while that would work for the entire rest of the game, you don't want to get stuck unable to beat the last boss.
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stop you're gonna make her cry
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>>543790Yeah I can't wait to play it when it comes to
Epic Games Store No.544157
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I went to try to get amphetamines again but the dumb bitch got a hold of my old chart and gave me sedatives for autism instead the norms don't let me have anything they would rather die than give me joy and I shall oblige that.
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hibiki loved reina
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Never tried amphetamines. I'm afraid they will fuck me up. Even coffee makes me feel very nervous, anxious and jittery.
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the idiot norms
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wish my neighbors would stop praying at 4 fucking am, it gives me the creeps
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why was the tea thread deleted? I was about to post in it.
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>>547445>denatured alcohol Why are you going to sanitize his wounds after you stab him?
I think you're confusing alcohol with chloroform or ether.
Pic related might work too.
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send help
>>547450the only thing i would have done different is lock the front wheel to a rack on the front of the car (which is what i would have done if i was going to leave it in a train station)
if the thief wants the bike and you won't hand it over it will be taken and you will probably never see it again,
it will be taken to a chop shop where it will be stripped down to parts and sold off on the internet,
a thief can steal a bike and sell it for cash in a matter of minutes
(this post was written by an ai)
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Let me lecture you on how you should be browsing the web.
Install Firefox with a fresh prefix, disable all telemetry, enable anti-fingerprinting.
Install uBlock Origin and uMatrix
Disable all cookies on all sites by default with umatrix, only whitelist sites you want.
The default setting for uMatrix is to disable all requests to other sites except images/css. That's good, keep it like that and only whitelist sites you want, like I have here for on 4chan
There, you have now filtered out 99% of the web's garbage and have good web browsing practices.
>>547496Sounds like a bitchboy cope.
You don't have to fight a norm if you simply walk up behind them and clobber them on the head with a big rock.
Keep getting your bike stolen and increasing the net happiness of the world lol
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>>547638Because all Firefox forks are memes
They're at worst malicious (Palemoon served malware for 18 months after being hacked).
They're at best just pointless and outdated.
You can change everything you need to to harden Firefox in about:config
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Here is your moogle oats
It's dangerous to go alone take this