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vocaloid thread neat like this song and the composer though I think if he doesn't bother much with being progressive he could use more impressionistic sound
and I didn't even realize wowaka released this song just 4 years ago I could swear it felt as old as Rolling Girl but I guess that's because he died and now all his music carries that dusty stamp of time
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RIP wowaka>>541125Sounds nice! Good stuff as always thanks for sharing.
>>541214I really like how wowaka managed to make vocals sound crystal cold and even sort of distant at times but simultaneously extremely affectionate and emotional. Honestly I think that's half of what made him so succesful. sounds vaguely similar in this regard to me though I'm not sure if I hadn't posted it before so sorry if I'm repeating myself
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>>541301I like the rhythm on that, it reminds me a little bit of Taishi's sound, although this one isn't specifically Vocaloid: No.541818
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Listened to a short Touhou trance doujin arrange album recently and suddenly found a Vocaloid track out of nowhere which was a pleasant surprise No.543103
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woops forgot my miku picture
>>542059I also tried searching for Vocaloid breakcore too and couldn't find any good ones either. The only song that somewhat reminds me of the breakcore kind of rhythm would be this one, I wouldn't really say this is particularly good either, probably on the weaker end if anything.
>>543166Yeah, the vocals are mixed particularly terribly in this one. Though as far as I'm concerned there
are some decent tracks with offbeat rhythm, although I guess they don't qualify for breakcore per se. I think is pretty good for that matter.
File: 1637776575545.jpg (366.95 KB, 1223x864, __hatsuseno_alpha_yokohama….jpg) someone bump the music thread ive been listening to t square a lot lately