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>>540950t is the chemo
we need him to stop the real cancer idiot
>>541003he manually dumped like two pages worth of spam at once when gn was frozen on ota and I couldn't really tell how much he spammed gn since I had a hard time telling apart his threads from regular ones and I don't think that or even twice as much will be enough to get ota shut down
what scenario also seems unlikely since otamin is more mentally stable and less delusional than whatmin and I suspect ota's userbase also isn't going to pay him nearly as much attention
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>it doesn't bother me
>>541023Because the spam was mostly a one time thing and not persistent like cnig's spam on what and gn. Simple as that. You say he spammed ota before and nothing happened but he wasn't doing it every day.
>>541024Not instigating, just being realistic.
>>541027yeah, and neither trevor and especially whatmin was persistent in deleting his garbage
holy fuck, just stop stroking this guys ego already by making him out to be some kind of unstoppable force of nature when he's just an incredibly pathetic bipolar schizo that spams boards with terrible admins
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Peko has fleas
Rabbits cull their offspring
Mostly vegan diet
Sole purpose: Rabbit Stew
>>541082also known as frozen spammer, cnig
schizophrenic pajeet who spams stuff from tiktok and instagram, emojis and twitter slang, cuckold porn, pol conspiracy stuff (recently he's posting about the vaccine), crypto shilling, posts screenshots of his tinder conversations, talks about how attractive he is and how many opportunities with women he missed, pastes threads from biz pol and other 4chan boards
does all of this in the form of flooding the board with new threads using mobile internet and vpns to evade bans
accelspammer aka KUROkospammer
all fit really
>>541111niggy is protected /jp/ heritage
he didn't even post often enough to call it spam
>>541192you can't ban someone who has a vpn and spoofs his ua unless you put countless weeks / years / $ updating your ban list for every known vpn like 4cuck does
i just posted on the piss using my vpn with no problem so pissmin definitely hasn't done that
>>541183robo peko is better
i'd post it here but, you know
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There are a lot of important fallacies in the suggestion that these two are equivalent. The anime machine is very powerful. Female streaming was a meritocracy of looks. An appealing personality would help you compete against your peers, but as a female you were dead in the water if you weren't attractive. On a fundamental level, female streamers were being paid to exist just because they're pretty. This created a scarcity, because there are a limited amount of attractive people in the world. Scarcities bias a market toward the seller (streamers) and force consumers (the audience) to pay more/compromise. This meant a highly attractive female had little need to accommodate her audience, who would stick with her because she was not easily replaced. She could behave however she wanted and her audience had limited power to influence her.
With virtual avatars, the meritocracy has shifted. Everyone has the opportunity to be as attractive as they want. So the female streamer has to compete with only her personality and resourcefulness. Women with attractive personalities move to the front in this market, regardless of beauty. Then the consumer wins, because success is based on the experience the female provides to him. Hololive is a great example of this. They are not the only vtuber agency, and not the oldest. Their girls are not any more attractive than other vtubers. The reason they became so wildly successful is the girls behave differently. They took pages out of the idol playbook, which boils down to acting respectfully toward the lonely men in their audience. And now they're winning big. Take a minute to think about how big of a deal that is. Step back and try imagining a world where girls grow up seeing the women around them rewarded for behaving attractively. Things would be different around here.
In short, it's in your best interest as a man for vtubers to be as successful as possible.
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this is from an airing, nationally broadcasted anime so im allowed to post this
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if you delete any of this i'll report you to the FCC
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Flood detected; Post discarded.
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>>541219i prefer my idols when they never interact with men
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– T's last words
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Let it be known for all times that Trevor A. Richardson is the massivest homo in existence. He has been exposed or rather he let himself get exposed. He is literally the gayest person I've met. And there is no way he can refute this because he has no power here.
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>>591265Slay the Spire is a great game.
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he is going to miss the biggest crossover of the decade maybe even the century…
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Bozo ended the board because asmongold started reacting to quin69 videos about diablo omegalul
To be fair asmon reacting to quin diablo videos is like two whores HOLDING HANDS while sucking off the same dick (hi bobby heres your new yacht)
>>541272Whatmin ended the board bc he turned literal schizo and said the glowies were following him since uni (even if he dropped out)
Also his board once went down because it was running off of his main HDD (yes hdd) that was also his torrent drive and the drive died which is the most epic DO NOT DO THIS fuck up I ever heard about
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No.591347 aduck on a duckday night?
then get ducked
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>【HOLOTALK】With our 28th guest: TOKOYAMI TOWA #kfp #キアライブ
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y delete?
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