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i just buy the frozen veggie packs with cauliflower and broccoli for a dollar, they each last like 3 or 4 meals and sometimes i'll just eat them with the rice and no other toppings
dont get fruit though since its just like sugar or whatever
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>>540542frozen veggies have plenty of nutrients cause their flashfrozen i read that theyre actually better than the fresh veggies unless you eat the veggie that day or next day and also since there cheaper i can eat more veggies for the same price so even if they have less nutrients youd get more nutrients overall i think
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i think the meat of burger king actually has a better taste but the last couple times ive been the meals were sloppy and cold and come across as being a bit less healthy
mcdonalds is a always run to a much higher standard, they're very quick and consistent
i usually get double cheeseburgers or a double quarter pounder
sometimes twice a week sometimes go weeks or months without getting any
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Henri Burger!
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are they useful? do they spark joy?
use the konmari method to determine whether you should retain such things
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>>540630but like all at once?
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>>540635…yes? At 2400 cal/day for 3 meals, that's an average of 800 cal/meal. Even twice that isn't strange for the largest meal of the day.
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Mom usually gets me 1-3 Dave's Triples from Wendy's it's the best bang for the buck as far as fast food burgers go.
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I'm gonna try to lose weight. Wish me luck bros.
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Look at their eyes. Look. At. These. Eyes.
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uhhhhhhh buuuuuuurg
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If you're going to eat the McDonald's within the first ten minutes of purchase - McDonald's. Anything after that and you're safer with Burger King.