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>>540076there's a running joke which is that people pretend Tsukihime never got an adaptation
it's not exactly funny but when I have to go over it like that I feel even dumber
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>>540077forgot about that classic /a/ meme carry on
>>540076twas an ass of a show still if you ask me, I'd actually take a proper anime over remake any day
and on a side note I generally don't really understand why people have been so eager all this time to get the remake, the art in the original was quite on point (I'd even say better than in Fate), and definitely miles ahead of the same face thing they're trying to pull off now as far as character design is concerned
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>>540421That would be lovely, but I don't think I could spare another twenty years to wait for that
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>>540534well yeah quite likely but on the other hand people have been waiting for this for a long time so taking 20 years just to release a half-assed stream of consciousness would cause a lot of fandom steaming and probably end up a complete failure
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>>540647preordering it because of this post
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>>540634can't wait to relive my teenage memories of reading tsukihime late at night drinking tea trying not to get caught smoking by my parents
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>>540657never liked **cell
don't like her now
>>540080actually based
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actually I hoped they would make something decent out of the far side routes precisely because they felt butchered in the original but then they cut them off entirely instead haha
>>540791Arc route was the only one that mattered.
Ciel route was the exact same thing but required you to be mean to Arc for no reason to get on the Ciel route.
Other routes were lacking.
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loved happy special lovely sacchin route cant wait to play it in the remake
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>>540808I do! Extended Arc route is going to be great!
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really should finally get my hands on Kagetsu Tohya
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>>541050guess I'll tell the artist he can make some cash selling fake cards then
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>>541056moshi moshi this is Kohaku
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and my friend
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shut it.
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>>541078Shiki didn't ``walk into danger'', SHIKI's bloodlust impulse or whatver made him brutally dismember Arcueid and then he got dragged into the whole thing as a consequence. Ironic as it is it's definitely more coherent than Shiki spouting stream of consciousness for the whole route and then fighting vampires basically out of nowhere. The writing itself was pretty good though so I suppose the reason they got ridded of was because the working team realised they couldn't be rewritten to make sense on their own, without familiarity with Near Side routes being prerequisite. You know, kind of like it is with routes in Fate, which complement each other and lighten the situation from different angles but aren't tied consequently except for some details. And that would be the only way they could be something more worthwile than just addons clarifying Shiki's past.
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Hope it lets me post this time.
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woah look how cool new Arcueid is
ps4 with english ps4 without english arent all good but theres plenty of cute and fun moege here that haven't been translated
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nya nya arc
>>542509What happened to this anyway? It was supposed to be epical but I never hear anyone talk about it. All I remember is the preview had these funny animated animal dudes.
Does anyone who isn't a massive nasudengaku like it?
>>542115how can you be so confidently incorrect
ps4 japanese no english translation that don't have pc version No.543176
ryuukishi07 scenario from last year untranslated: horror with yuri from last year: anyways just because you dont like otome games doesnt mean they arent worthwhile games, not everything has to be made to your tastes
its okay to be wrong sometimes
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>>5431782017 nis game with really pretty character designs how there gonna try to wiggle out of this one
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>>543197The song she sang was pretty lame though, so lame in fact that the only way it could've made mahoutsukai any more epic is by the contrast.
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>>543253unironically glad i wasted my life learning a dying language so i could play games and avoid social situations with people born in the anglosphere like me
>>543267Now imagine having this different letter across multiple languages so you can get the meaning without knowing phonetics.
Suddenly it doesn't seem like that bad of an idea, does it?
>>543267it actually kinda makes sense in china, where you historically had one huge polity with a billion of "dialects" which are actually mutually unintelligible languages, so even if you don't understand a single spoken word of some magistrates local dialect hundreds of kilometers away everyone uses the same picture scratchings
it makes no sense using those same characters in japan, and in fact literally every country that was not only culturally but even politically dominated by china and almost exclusively used chinese characters as the primary writing system dropped them and adopted a phonetic writing system (korea, vietnam etc.)
meanwhile the japanese remained retarded because muh sinophilic tradition
>>543268i'm pretty sure knowing kanji won't actually help you in reading chinese except for some basic characters, why would you want to be able to read chinese anyway
>>543268you do realize japan, prc and taiwan all use different hanzi sets do you
>>543270the best part is that the japs failed miserably at trying to adapt the chinese script to their language so they ended up with several homonyms that are also synonyms and some are used in very specific situations
>>543278Son, you don't have enough kanjipower for this conversation.
It's always like this, the lazies and the ignorants hate kanji
>>540065I'm still not quite sure what to think of it, but I can understand why the author might do this. If he had been given the choice of either removing the dark routes or making them a bit more detailed, he'd have chosen the former, I imagine. I don't think it's too big of a loss.
I can't believe they're gonna be as short as they are, either. I really liked how the dark routes were a bit longer and the main routes were more of a side story. I hope the remake will be able to give us more than that.
(this post was written by an ai)