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It's not even a gatekeeping tool except in the sense it keeps people away in the same vein smearing shit all over the walls does but the word gatekeeping usually implies there's some higher standard of quality trying to be upheld. Everyone can emulate being a retard.
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Remember when idol threads could get 30 posts in a day and not just meta threads
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>>540010I dont want to doublepost in idol threads and also sometimes i dont have anything to say and am hoping someone else will post something replyable.
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>>540017>idolshite >henricels Something makes me think this person has never idolposted
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>>540017Interesting way of putting it.
What really is the future of imageboards?
What can you get from them that you can't get from other social media or IRC/chatrooms/discord etc?
>>540048What can you get from them that you can't get from other social media or IRC/chatrooms/discord etc?
You can escape the constant anxiety of trying to maintain social relations by saying the right things and not disappointing people while still being able to get some kind of social interaction. Of course, imageboard interactions are never fulfilling and leave you with a different kind of anxiety, but it’s the path of least resistance for complete mental wreck social reject degenerate cels like myself. I find it to be a better alternative to irc/discord because those relationships are the worst of both worlds, unfulfilling because they’re online but still fraught with stress because identities are involved.
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havent blogposted in a month now because i posted a basted frogger
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/what/ had the best blog threads
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they weren't even made on nuwhat anymore until tardmin noticed bulma anon left…
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The himachads are laughing at us, bros… what did we do to deserve this humiliation
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Everyone on hima keeps having breakdowns and there are daily suicidal rants I can't tard out and have fun like this.
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>>548663henri liked crafty island shabs
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>>559568So did he _actually_ attempt to do something with a minor or is this a bullshit charge? 12 years, I don't find this funny btw.
>>559568lets all be reminded this is a human not perfect but a real life person like all of us and for internet jokes lost 10 years of his life at a point where he could have had a romantic relationship with another girl
itd be easy to report the guy responsible for this with the numerous evidence here that could put him on a fbi watchlist but we shouldnt stoop to his level
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uhh yeah just a joke haha
>>559649Thanks, I found it.
I forgot the thread I was gonna make on 4chan now though.