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keep minority spirit
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Is this the desktop thread?
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What will it take for you to bring it back up? You really have nothing to lose, none of this matters.
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>>551256>>551339I'm sorry I really suck…
>>551349People don't mind a good political funpost here and there but no one likes your actual spam.
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>>551357Really ironic to call someone inconsiderate while not recognizing that your opinion on this isn't shared by everyone here.
i.e. you're not considering how other people feel
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>>551359It's almost only you meta-whiner…
People left, but I must've missed all these "goodbye forever I'm leaving cause ota and /what/ sucks!" manifestos
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If you work in North Korea you are guaranteed:
- A house
- Pussy (no feminist divorce incentives)
- Able to afford a family and incentivized to breed
- Free healthcare (surprisingly not bad, they can build nukes you know they're not retarded)
- Racially homogeneous ethnostate with no crime and strong family values and sense of community
- Access to the latest smuggled in anime and video games that run on Red Star OS
In USA if you work you are guaranteed:
- Nothing. Get fucked. There are full-time workers living homeless with no access to healthcare.
>>551361Why did you even start this argument if you were going to accuse me of something so ridiculous. Yeah, everyone who ever complained about all the fun-ruining diarrhea ota has been sprayed with over the years by people who demonstrably just use as it as a toilet and predominantly post elsewhere were all me congrats. I guess this also means I'm henri because he was also very outspoken against how shittily otamin ran the site.
>I must've missed all these "goodbye forever I'm leaving cause ota and /what/ sucks!" What kind of an argument is this, because people didn't explicitly say they were leaving that means they didn't actually leave? And besides, they literally did so recently and specifically said it's because of what ota is like, but I guess that was just me again right.
Also it's really funny you are mentioning /what/ out of the blue, I guess you realize the parallels and your guilty subconsciousness is making you defend yourself in advance.
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>>551368Why do you love me so much?
You're a good friend thanks for sticking around with us so long even though you hate us and oat.
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>>551368Knew henri was still posting here so happy the fun times never left
>>551370die freak
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Please excuse my poor English no otaku cosplay slampiggy braphog gf
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Ah. I hate crapto.
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you will always be… my friend
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