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>>538231Nagatoro is just an island nigg3r
That's how Japan portrays them
See: That one girl from Love Hina and that one girl from Tamako Market
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I guess this counts too
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>>538254The anime: never got a proper ending, has a bunch of boring fillers, character designs look ugly and off-model most of the time, the humor is too exaggerated and gets annoying after the first episode.
The manga: has an actual ending, has more character development, all of the girls always look cute, the humor isn't as in-your-face as the anime.
You can watch the anime if you want to, it has a few good original episodes, but you need to finish the manga first.
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>>538260Don't listen to this nerd
I got drunk and watched the Love Hina anime in 2016 and it was fine.
Never read the manga.
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>>581860White Anglo-Saxon Protestant