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>>537699Because if you control the city/country you can control who's in it, so you can make sure its populated only by quality people you approve of
Imagine an entire society populated exclusively by /a/utists and /jp/sies! Wouldn't it be wonderful?
>>537704No, it wouldn’t. Someone has to stock grocery store shelves, drive trucks around, pave roads, lay pipes, run factories, handle waste products, etc. No autistic weebcel gamer wants to do any of these things. The only reason imageboards, video games, otaku culture, and so on even exist is because the norms built a society and economy that provides people with enough leisure time to partake in these activities.
>>537714I've actually given this a lot of thought anon, and while I can't lay out my plans here, I think I've figured out a way to institute a truly meritocratic, equality-of-oppurtunity based caste system that would put all the normalfag plebs at the bottom as the slaves they were born to be, and allow those with the power to think and create to naturally rise to the top! the slaves would do all the pleb jobs, plus we would have the right to use their bodies for our pleasure whenever we pleased
oh, and everyone would be male. we would reproduce by abducting women from othyer cultures, inseminating them, imprisining them until labor, then giving them a c-section and releasing them, and work would be being done constantly to develop artificial wombs so that this complicated process would no longer be necessary
>>537784by believing you don't have those things you demonstrate that you have more of them than the average person, you'd at least be better than a common laborer. and, this entire society would be built from the ground up to allow as many people as possible to play video games in their rooms, or read literature, or write philosophy, or whatever it is they want to do rather than work, how can you be against that?
the idea is that in any society everyone is in some way a slave to each other - as a neet, you're a slave to your parents, for example. my conclusion is that the best thing to do is to formalize this slavery, so the state can go about reducing it as much as it can, and making everyone as free as its possible for them to be. some people just can't help but serve others - see those wageslaves who don't even dream of being free, who say "I wouldn't know what to do with my life if it weren't for my job!" If you replaced their tie and deskchair with a ball and chain, they'd barely notice, and their life wouldn't be any worse.
even if you do end up a slave, wouldn't it be better to have a master who was worthy of you, rather than a corporate middle manager or your fucking mommy and daddy? and don't worry, if you ended up being mine, I'd be gentle with you <3
Inflation Is Going PREDICTABLE. But the government WANTS it. - No.537827
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>>537826sorry im creepyweird
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good night ota sleep tight dream nice idol dreams
>>543352You're right! I'm going to do it!
*squirts poo all over the wall and floor*
incomplete village
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meow meow idols