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>>536783thank you for being my friend
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>>540853Why yes, throwing away your money into a black hole that makes Mr.LandlordShekelstein richer is a better deal than paying off principal to a house
Buying an acre of mountain land with clean and pristine river/stream/lake access in America: $1000-$3000
Building or buying a wooden shed/cabin (you can play legos with wood right retard?): Like $5000
Solar setup: $1000-$4000 depending on what you need
Unlimited 4G Internet: $60 a month
Wood stove, water tank, 12v DC water pump, 12v DC fridge, 12v DC air conditioner: Like $2000-$4000 give or take
Fish: free
Unironically growing fucking wheat because it's easy like grass, and micro greens/greens: Nearly free aside from fertilizer
Water for bathing/cleaning: Free and unfiltered from rain, stream, river, lake
Water for drinking/cooking: Free and minimal cost of filter/purification
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>>540866Sorry you're not an off-grid otaku like me.
I've studied the ways of vagrants, techno-hobos, and bushcraft, so I can live well in the future like that.
>>540860it's hilarious when sheltered shut in neets with zero practical experience with pretty much anything think they could live inna woods, the 4G bit makes this whole post especially hilarious
>>540868you'd literally starve to death without your mom, tardo
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>>540867>sewerage Unnecessary, go outside.
>water tapI mentioned a water tank and 12v DC water pump (this means sink, shower head, etc.)
>"dude there's free water nearby lmао" There is a lot of mountainous land you could buy with streams/rivers fairly close to their source glaciers before pollution/filth
You either collect this, collect rainwater, or fill up your water tank somewhere with a hose/tap.
>lack of central heating during wintersYou live in a fucking shed/cabin with a wood stove, it will be plenty hot so long as you have wood to burn.
There's also simple heating with propane tanks.
Yall think people just died before central heating?
>AC during summersThey sell fairly efficient 12v DC air conditioners, for such a small shelters they're fine. If it's that hot it's sunny, and you should be getting enough solar to be using it.
>>540869I am obviously not suggesting you do this in an urban or suburban area. You have to get away from government zoning laws/codes.
>>540870I am completely serious about either doing that or living in a van.
>>540872oh, I have no doubt you are being serious, I am just saying that you're an arrogant retard that vastly overestimates his abilities
the reason i said the 4G bit is hilarious because you won't be getting any fucking mobile signal in the middle of your hypothetical nowhere, let alone freaking 4G, which leaves you with 1000 ping satellite with data caps out of the ass I suppose
I mean, the fact that you are even mentioning freaking internet when talking about your epic off da grid inna woods rambo bullshit illustrates really well just how actually willing to lead such a life you are
>>540877>the reason i said the 4G bit is hilarious because you won't be getting any fucking mobile signal in the middle of your hypothetical nowhere, let alone freaking 4G, which leaves you with 1000 ping satellite with data caps out of the ass I supposeGo look at a 4G coverage map sometime buddy.
Yes, people get 4G internet innawoods all over the place for $60 a month, it's a real thing. The dead areas are mostly desolate plains/desert
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>>536783>>536784thanks for being my friend
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I want to be alone, but I don't want to be lonely…
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>>540899you just haven't found your tribe yet
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my tribe wiped out long ago im the only one left
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